Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Chapter 9: Badges... We Don't Need No Stinking Badges!

[ Read Chapter 8: Heavy Metal ]

We are approaching CCAFS and establish cell phone contact with our guide. He directs us to the main gate, where we are to receive our credentials to enter the base. We can see the space shuttle on our approach. Hopefully our guide will be able to get us back onto the base again for the next launch, but that's a mission for another day.
We reach the main gate and locate the office where we are to receive our badges that will allow us access to the base. The sign informs us that the office is open from 0600 to 1600 hours, it is approximately 0945, well within the window of opportunity. There are a handful of people milling about in the parking lot. We close in on the door, and realize that it is locked. The people idling nearby have not been able to contact the appropriate personnel for access. We contact our guide and inform him of this SNAFU. The guide tells us that we must proceed to gate 405. Directions to this gate will force us to go north to Titusville and then south again to the destination.
A local, who is delivering argon gas to the base, offers us a shortcut. The directions are vague, and we obviously appear confused. He tells us that he can lead us to gate 405. We follow him through town and reach our destination. The delivery man has saved us valuable time, and we repay his kindness by getting in front of him in the identification line.
I.D. check is complete, the photos are taken, and we are issued our badges. We proceed through the checkpoint and locate the DRMO and the deuces. They appear to be in great shape so we begin the proper maintenance check. The fluids are topped off, the deuces are lubed up and ready to roll. The first truck shows a full tank, but the second one shows very low fuel, we'll have to proceed quickly to the gas station. It begins to rain as we gas up. The gas tank only takes about half of the fuel we expected it to, the gauge must be broken.
Back on the road. We set a course for "Camp C4" in St. Cloud, a friendly outpost about half way back to Camp Cosmic. The rain comes down harder. The deuces' windows are not in proper working order, I can barely see Bigg in the stealth vehicle ahead of me, and behind me, I can tell that Face Man is getting just as wet as I am. At least my windshield wiper works, bummer for you, Face Man!

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