Friday, October 10, 2008

Chapter 6: The Italian Angels

[Read Chapter 5: The Birth of "Captain America"]

"And upon them descended a band of angels"

I'm running late. We were getting the "deuces" ready for the trip to Camp Edgewater. "Face Man" and "The Kid" are following me on point. We pull around the corner to find a long line of American flags being proudly displayed on the front line.

"Who are these brave new enlistees?" I ask myself. As I approach the line, I am greeted by Fred, a new friend and ally. Fred has brought his local MC (motorcycle club) "The Italian Angels", for support. The Italian Angels are also members of the "Patriot Guard Riders".

These guys will fit in well with our unit! Fred, Brooklyn, Cutter, T-man, and the rest of their outfit (sorry if I can't remember all of your names!) have been an integral part of our operation. We love you guys!

The battle is heated with the appearance of our new friends. As we all know, hippies and bikers are like oil and water! After meeting our new comrades, I was inspired to watch "Easy Rider" (Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper... a hippie film, but entertaining nonetheless) again. I grew up on the back of a Harley, so I get it.

I was suddenly struck by a particular scene. As you know, Peter Fonda's Character was called Captain America. The two riders arrived in a small town in Texas, and in a moment of enthusiasm, joined in the local parade. They were immediately thrown in jail. Dennis Hopper is quoted in this scene... "You can't arrest us. This is Captain America. Parading without a permit? what is that?" Hmmm... Parading without a permit... where have I heard that before?
AAAH, another successful mission.

[Read Chapter 7: The 4th of July Offensive]

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