Friday, October 10, 2008

Chapter 4: Is this war legal?

[Read Chapter 3: The Unit Forms]

The Florida sun beats down, melting the parking lot of Camp Edgewater. I am unloading my weapons (pro-troops signs and an American flag) from the vehicle. One of the hippies casually strolls past. "I hope you don't have any warrants for your arrest" he snipes. "Why, did you call the law on me?" ,I return fire. Incoming fire..."Parading without a permit, that's a misdemeanor".

On the front line we are confronted by the hippies with a new attack... They are paying for a protest permit every week. $7.00 is the cost. We are being asked to contribute half of the cost if we are going to continue our incursion. Well, I have the $3.50 in my pocket, but I refuse to collaborate with the enemy.

Mel does some intel research. There is no permit required, as the battle is being waged on a public right of way, and in a public park. This is morale boosting intel for our unit, as the enemy has been paying for this permit every week for approximately 2 years, ouch! For OPSEC (Operational Security) reasons, we keep this information quiet for several weeks until we need some heavy artillery. Aaaahhhh, artillery... One shot, 12 kills. When the news was delivered to the hippies, you could sense the demoralization of their entire unit.

Another successful mission.

[Read Chapter 5: The Birth of "Captain America"]

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