Thursday, October 16, 2008

Chapter 10: The Pot Of Gold

[ Read Capter 9: Badges... We Don't Need No Stinking Badges ]

The rain begins to subside. The clouds seem to be following us at approximately the same rate of speed as we are traveling. If we can get just far enough ahead, we may be able to dry off. I look down to the floorboard. The puddle of water has ebbed, it seems that we are out of woods, and on our way in relative comfort. Well, as comfortable as one can be in a troop transport vehicle.
The powerful rumble of the engine suddenly begins to drop off. What's happening? Speed reduces, though my foot stays firmly pressed to the accelerator. Downshift... Silence, except for the noise of the gusting wind and the hum of the massive tires against the pavement. Up shift... no response from the rapidly slowing truck. I think back to the broken fuel gauge in Face Man's deuce. Ahhh, yes... this gauge must be broken, also. The needle still points to full. Cell phone contact is made with Bigg in the stealth vehicle. A rescue effort must be made, leave no man behind.
Our small convoy reunites on the side of the road. I join Bigg in the stealth vehicle to search for diesel. Face Man stays to guard the vehicles. He locks and loads, as we are not yet into friendly territory. The pursuing rain has now caught up to us, of course. The stealth vehicle has incurred damage of its own, the windshield wiper has blown off, visibility is minimal. We locate a gas station. Unfortunately, it is ill equipped to handle the advanced technology of swiping a debit card. We eke out enough fuel to fill the measly 2 gallon jug that we just purchased. Would this be enough to limp the deuce to the filling station?... Remains to be seen.
Contact... we receive a call from J.L., "Is that you on the side of the road? I just passed two deuces." Roger that. We're saved. J.L. Assists with the refueling and escorts us to Camp C4, friendly territory. A brief rest, and we're back on the road.
Bigg now needs fuel for the stealth vehicle, though. He will stop as Face Man and I continue to lumber down the interstate. The F-250 can easily catch up to us soon. We break out of the rain once again. I am following Face Man, and He begins to send hand and arm signals. There is a beautiful rainbow behind us. Clear, vivid, and from his vantage point, leading directly into the bed of my deuce as if it were the pot of gold. This was the sign that we were nearly home, and successful in our mission. OORAH!

[Read chapter 11: Just Another Brick In The Wall]

1 comment:

"Lt. Otowski" said...

Always an adventure when Face Man and Bigg get together!

Sounds like you had a great time! I want to see the pictures from CCAFS!